September 30, 2016

“Valleys and Bridges”

Who likes bridges? Not this guy! Having to go over some bridges terrifies me.  However, the alternative is often simply not possible.  There are some valleys and rivers over which a bridge is absolutely necessary for us to continue on our journey.  The bridge allows us to move quickly and safely from one side to another. In our Journey with Jesus, we also face valleys – times in desert/wilderness.  We may face many valleys including sickness, loss, correction and confusion. However, often these valleys are not meant to be bridged.  There are some valleys that are planned out in the perfect will of God which are meant for our good and to deepen our relationship with Christ.  There are other valleys in which we find ourselves because of our own doing or that of others, but again there may be no bridge. It is critical for us to know that at some point we WILL (not might) but WILL find ourselves in a valley.  Join us Sunday as we continue in Nehemiah 3.13 and travel through the Valley Gate learning why valleys are important and what we can do when we find ourselves in a valley. Sojourning with you, Tiger Gordon