September 20, 2019

From the Ground to Grace

In 2010, UPS worker Buddy Armstrong was delivering a package to 84-year-old Thomas Guthrie’s Wyoming home when he heard an alarm inside going off.  Armstrong, also a volunteer firefighter, called emergency workers and went inside the home, along with the sheriff’s deputy.  Sgt. Jerry Evagelatos walked in to find a lot of smoke, but they couldn’t find the source of the smoke until firefighters arrived on the scene. It was determined that a magnifying glass in a sunny office started the small fire.  First responders determined the sun was shining at just the right angle to hit the magnifying glass, magnify the sunbeam, and set a nearby pile of mail on fire.  The fire was extinguished before it damaged the home.  Guthrie wasn’t home during the incident. It is sometimes very dangerous to place our focus in the wrong place.  Just like that of an ill-placed magnifying glass, it is what I fear has happened to many when it comes to our focus on the story we read in John 8:1-11.  I have heard this story preached countless times from a multitude of perspectives and interpretations.  However, I believe that when many read and address this story, it is easy to focus on the lesser important details and never make it to the most important one. I hope you can join us this coming Sunday as we continue on our Journey with John and take a detailed look at the story we find in John 8:1-11.  I believe with our focus on the right thing, we can see how to move From the Ground to Grace.  Praying for you this week.  Looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Blessings, Pastor Brandon