March 22, 2019

“The Competitive Spirit”

Friendly competition can be a lot of fun. But let’s be honest, competition can sometimes be anything but friendly and fun.  Whether the subject is business, politics, sports, or marriage, destructive competition can raise its ugly head and wreak destruction. As we continue our “Journey with John” this coming Sunday morning, we’re going to look at a story that highlights the dangers of a competitive spirit.  I hope you’ll take the time to read that story found in John 3:22-36. John the Baptist’s disciples were upset with this Jewish man, with Jesus, and with John their leader.  They were jealous of the fact Jesus’ ministry was attracting much bigger crowds than they were.   I believe John’s disciples serve as a mirror for all of us – we’re all competitive.  We all want to win and, if we’re honest, we’re sometimes willing to do some pretty crazy and hurtful things to ensure we win.  I hope you can join us Sunday as we expose the competitive spirit and then discover how to oppose the competitive spirit. Longing to decrease so that Christ can increase, pastor jamie