June 29, 2018

“What Kind of Old Person Do You Want To Be?

The Swiss poet, Henri Amiel, once said, “To know how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.” What kind of old person do you want to be?  The answer to that question really belongs to you.  One can become grumpy and cynical or patient and full of joy.  One can choose to languish in the past or press into the future.  The type of old person we become is up to us! This Sunday Pastor Dan and I will start a new sermon series we’re calling, “Aging Matters.”  While this series will address those who are in the “third third of life,” it will also challenge all who are younger to ponder important life questions now rather than when it might be too late. When answering the question, “What kind of old person do I want to be,” keep in mind that all of us are presently becoming the kind of old person we will be!  In other words, if we’re not becoming a person of faith today, we probably won’t be one when we’re older.  And if we’re negative, grumpy, and cynical now, we’ll be even worse as we age.  Furthermore, if we’re not developing a deep and personal relationship with Jesus now, we most likely won’t when our hair turns gray. This is why aging matters!  The Bible has a lot to say about aging and that’s why we’re going to consider Psalm 71 this coming Sunday.  I hope you’ll take the time to read David’s prayer penned as an old man. Don’t forget this series also offers a Sunday School class throughout the month of July for those who are 50 and older.  Sarah and I hope to see you at 8:45 AM in the fellowship hall.  The coffee, juice and muffins will be ready. Aging in Him, pastor jamie