August 26, 2016

“There’s Some Uzzah in All of Us!”

Have you ever read something in the Bible and asked, “Why is that story even in there?”  I’ve asked that question a number of times.  Actually, it’s a question that can lead to a deeper understanding of our fallen condition and God’s amazing grace. It was the psalmist who reminded us that the “unfolding of God’s Word gives light.” In other words, as we study the Bible our understanding of God’s love for sinful, broken people like you and me increases. As it relates to my message this coming Sunday, I’m asking God to give us greater light regarding the story of Uzzah.  Uzzah was struck dead by God when he reached out his hand to steady the Ark of the Covenant from falling off of an oxen drawn cart.  Really?  Now why is that story in there? If you read the story with an eye on our fallen condition and God’s amazing grace, you’ll begin to see why Uzzah’s story was preserved. God wants us to realize this truth – there’s some Uzzah in all of us! Uzzah’s story is our story.  His ignorance reflects ours.  His false assumptions mirror ours.  His sinfulness echoes ours.  Even his death reflects all of humanity’s deadness in sin before a holy God. But Uzzah’s story isn’t just about sin and judgment; it’s also about God’s mercy as revealed through the Ark of the Covenant and its contents.  I like how Tim Keller sums it up for all of us Uzzah’s – “Jesus didn’t die for us because we were lovely but in order to make us lovely.” As you read 2 Samuel 6:1-7 in preparation for Sunday, I hope you’ll do so with an eye on two things – your sinful condition and God’s amazing grace! Resting in His finished work, pastor jamie